Even though the Bauhaus school existed only for 14 years and closed 79 years ago, its influence is still felt today. Not only do you see Bauhaus influences in streets, interiors and furniture design, but also in the classroom where its teaching strategies are still commonly used. In fashion too, many designers are still inspired […]
100 Jahre Bauhaus Gründungsjubiläum. Bauhaus Socken.
Das Bauhaus feiert 100-jähriges Bestehen. Die Bauhaus Socken von DTMX im Sinne des Bauhauses neu interpretiert. Das Bauhaus war eine Schule für Kunst und Architektur. Walter Gropius gründete sie 1919 in Weimar. Die Bauhaus Socken überzeugen durch hohe Qualität und angenehmen Tragekomfort. Die glattgestrickte, dünne Socke ist der Klassiker für Büro, Arbeit und Freizeit. Die […]
100 Years Anniversary Of Bauhaus Art Movement
With the Bauhaus celebrating its centenary this year, museums and galleries across the globe are hosting events to mark the occasion. As part of the events celebrating the anniversary of the school DTMX SOCKS is presenting the Sunday Morning design inspired by the avant-garde art movement. Throughout the 20th century, several styles of avant-garde art […]
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