Epic Music Clubs Sock Collection – Omen Club Frankfurt
July 2, 2018
While Berlin might be regarded as Germany’s “techno capital” right now, back in the late ’80s and early-to-mid-’90s, it was the city of Frankfurt that really set the techno agenda. At the center of it all was Sven Väth and his legendary club, Omen. Väth opened the venue in 1988 at the age of 24. For its ten years of operation, it nourished the techno explosion in Germany and played host to some of the international scenes biggest stars, including artists like Richie Hawtin.
Needless to say, Väth and Omen are central figures in any narrative of German techno history. The club became synonymous with a bombastic, no-rules party experience where the dancefloor and the DJ took turns out-intensifying each other.
The Omen, a club in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, was founded in 1988 by Sven Väth, Michael Münzing and Matthias Martinsohn. Originally the club was founded in 1983 as club Vogue. In the Omen the German techno was more or less born and after it’s opening in 1988 the club became very popular and acenter of the globaltechno scene. Big names like SvenVäth, CarlCox, Frank Lorber, ToniRios, GayleSan, DJDag, Chris LiebingandJeffMillsplayedat theOmen.
Whatwasoftenannouncedhappenedon October 19,1998, the Omenclosedits doors.
The last track played at Omen was “The Day After” from “Astral Pilot”. Three closing parties were held in the last week: On Monday, Wednesday and finally on the last one, which started on Friday and lasted till Monday morning. On Sunday the number of people was so large that a speaker was placed on the street and hunderds of people were dancing in the street in front of the Omen. The police did not intervene, but closed the street for through traffic for a couple of hours
For many, the Omen was a second home.Weekdayschool or workandat weekendsOmenFrankfurt. It wasinitiallyinconceivable that the“institution” Omen suddenlywas not there anymore. In orderto rememberthe great time, there is an event hold every yearin October, theso-called OmenMemorial Day(OMD).
October 18, 1998 – Omen club closing party, Frankfurt.